【YouTube最好的英语训练课程】1个月提升口语听力n个level (63集完整版)

be spare of shoulders 肩膀不宽
play a tune on his pipe用笛子吹曲子
feel his forehead摸前额
one misfortune followed another祸不单行
shake with sobs一颤一颤的
a trial 磨练
iam positive确信
business is doing fine经营良好
be accustomed to luxury习惯奢侈
bank snow堆雪
relief driver接班司机
an epoch of social reform社会改革的时代
will you save me a place at your table在你那桌给我留个位子
pls tell me straight what u think直话直说
adorn oneself with finery穿戴华丽服饰

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